Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Had An Idea...Not her - Me... The Brunette I Had an Idea

So it's past my bedtime. Working girl can't sleep during the day anymore so she has to sleep at night these days. But as I was on my first run of the trip (I know I told you I was going to get my ass into gear over a month ago but apparently I lied and ate big macs instead) I had a thought. While feeling both homesick because I miss ya'll but also totally enamored with Sydney, the warm night air, the bats overhead and the general lack of homeless people on the street, I decided that I will, over the next 4 weeks, give you a tour of Sydney through San Francisco eyes. This means I will show you Sydney via the same things I used to do at home with you people that I miss so much. Stay tuned. It will be a challenge but I am excited and up for it and I really do hope you enjoy the tour. But I am selfish and this is for me, you're just along for the ride if you choose. So if you ever feel like it is obnoxious, sentimental or cheesy feel free to change the channel.

My toes are polishless right now which means I have to go paint them. If you think my priorities are out of whack let me just have this one word before you judge. I didn't, against all urges I had as I walked home through the major Sydney shopping district (impossible to avoid without getting on a bus which I tried to do) buy another pair of work shoes. I have to give the blister inducing flats a rest for the day which means I will be wearing shoes suspiciously close to flip flops which really means my toes should be painted. So there it is. In the time I wrote this justification I could have painted them. Peace people. Wish me luck onsite in flip flops tomorrow cause I'm probably going to need it.

*If any blondes were offended in the making of this post then you haven't seen Working Girl and should stop reading this and watch it immediately. It is an obvious blonde empowerment movie and clearly I am endorsing the movie... although not specifically the empowerment of blondes.

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