Friday, May 14, 2010

The Most Delicious War Ever.

I know, I know you just heard from me. The thing is I was watching the news this morning and only the most amazing of any news story fell upon me. Click on the below link to read all about it!

I've never given you a recipe. I'm not going to turn into a cooking blog. There are others that do it far better than I ever could - read Smitten Kitchen and Pioneer Woman, their links are on the left hand side - but here I will bestow upon you my fathers hummus recipe, greatly modified by me - actually only in the quantities of garlic used. The good thing is most ingredients are simply to your taste.

The Krikorian weakness for garlic is evidenced at every family dinner during my 25 years on earth. You eat Hratch's hummus, delicious and spicy as you inhale it because it is laden with garlic but the whole rest of the night you have to walk around with your hand over your mouth. So beware of the garlic trap, there's a fine line and sometime you need only add an additional half a clove of the blessed stuff.

This will make a generous serving for 10 people as a starter. Or throw it in a tupperware and eat it all week. It's even better the next day.

  • 2 16 oz Cans garbanzo beans (same as chickpeas) drained
  • 3 to 4 Tablespoons Tahini - which is sesame paste, you can find it at a middle eastern market and actually I have seen it in the grocery stores lately! A small jar will last you a long time. The costco size tub is a lifetime investment -
  • 1 Lemon - minimum of half but if you're me or my brother probably the whole thing
  • Water for consistency
  • 2 1/2 Cloves garlic - or for my Dad's version 4, 5 or 6 Cloves -
  • 1 tsp Salt to taste

Throw the beans, tahini and 1/2 a lemon's juice into the cuisinart and blend. Add water until the consistency is as you like. I prefer it a little thicker but don't add more than 1 can of water or you'll have hummus soup (which doesn't sound too bad to me...but I love all things hummus) Throw in the garlic and salt. Start slow, start small and taste often till you get it how you like it. It's never beyond salvaging unless you put too much salt. Mix on medium, scrape the sides because the garlic will hide there. If you want some added deliciousness, my personnel favorite garnish is pinenuts toasted in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It takes two seconds - don't burn the pinenuts, it is really easy to do. Or instead you can sprinkle Cayenne pepper or just plain olive oil. But the toasted nuts add another dimension and cleverly disguise it as more than a healthy snack.

This could be you. My Dad has the exact same bowl as them in miniature size.

I propose to be their quality control. I mean anyone can fill an enormous plate of hummus full but what does it matter if the Tahini to Garbanzo bean ratio is off?

What they really need is the world largest Cuisanart because you can whip together a batch delicious hummus, twice as good as store bought for half the cost in ten minutes.

It's easy as but good luck anyway and let me know how you go!

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