Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Sweet Chandlier, Prepare to Be Impressed" and other stories of SF apartment hunting....

It’s been a great summer, more than memorable. I feel like I’m in the last scene of St. Elmo’s fire when the crew parts for the last time. Goodbyes are said, freedom is reliquished to the life in the real working world. Regrets gone. And Demi, does she even looks any different then than now? I think not, which is both disturbing and awe-inspiring at the same time. Ask me, have the urges to have crazy life experiences like governessing in the outback or becoming live in crew on a sailboat/yacht (those sailor shirts are so in this season I can’t help picture it) completely subsided. No. But with some mild sedatives and the promise of living back in beautiful San Francisco I think they might become more manageable although they will never be completely gone. Don’t loose hope for wild stories to come. There was always plenty of material in SF thanks in part to the bus system, the cable car drivers and what I am sure will be a slew of apartment complaints disguised with humor and sarcasm.

So anyway after Labor Day it’s back to SF life. I am going to miss this, that and the other being time to devote to yoga, the food network and excessive vacuuming but with a new job lined up, new people to meet, old relationships to rekindle (sadly not the romantic kind) I am looking forward to it. I mean it. No really not even a hint of sarcasm about being excited to back and work 9-5 with an awesome commute to Sunnyvale, leaving behind smiling Tahoe City faces and bike riding along the Truckee River. Ok I can’t talk about it anymore.

In other news Petuniaface girl’s most recent post suggests we use day laborers who don’t get jobs as massage therapists. I just wish I had thought of it first. It’s win win, no?

But anyway. It’s on to new and different. Old and the same. If I sound like I can’t make up my mind right now it’s because finding an apartment in San Francisco is like finding a needle in a stack of horse manure you have to sift through a lot of shit to find the right one. For example, I am no longer looking at lisitings with the word “elegant” in the description. Also yesterday there was one listed as “apartment great for person 5’-4” and under” I mean if that doesn’t make you weep from laughter than it should make you weep out of pity for me. So I’m done whinging. Off to enjoy my remaining week in Tahoe.

See you in San Francisco where the wind blows, the sun doesn’t really shine but the food is really delicious. Wish me luck, I’ve been in perpetual summer for one year exactly so shock to the system is not an understatement at all.

I'm out. Peace, love and maybe some paddleboarding. What do you think?

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