Friday, January 29, 2010

"You girls were just lucky enough to stumble upon us dudes. Good looking and fuckin shit-hot helicopter pilots. You struck gold."

Hello all. I am back. I have taken a much undeserved break. Actually there was no break because actually I have nothing to break from but then that's part of the problem or so you'll hear. But before that I wanted to take a moment to honor my current state of homesickness and self-pity by sharing with you some San Francisco nostalgia I was recently reminded of way out here in Sydney by what I can't remember.

About 7 months ago or at least sometime in early August as the West Coast summer fades and tourism is at it's height, with the end of school holidays, I was riding the #45 bus to yoga. Normally not as risky in the way of tourists as the cable car at this time of year. Well Anyway it happened about one block after the descent on Union St. begins. I noticed an unattached 6 year old girl curled up on the seat across from me covering her eyes out of shear terror. I removed my headphones from my ear to ask her if everything was alright just in time to hear, from a couple seats down, her father speaking with his older daughter. "See honey isn't this better than Disneyland?" Well I tell you if it wasn't for my comatose state of afterwork lethargy and my dislike for confrontations I would have made a scene. Poor girls will very likely grow up with a fear of the bus, disneyland or resenting their father. Oh either way I suppose I don't blame the guy, bus's in San Francisco are similar to rollercoasters in Disneyland and they are way cheaper. But actually I am getting off track here because that's fucked up. And he was definitely a team member with his wind breaker tied around his waste and we really can't confirm or deny the existence of a fanny pack but let's be real the guy is trying to reason with his two under 10 year old daughters that a trip to windy, foggy San Francisco in which he didn't even spring for the cable car is better than Disneyland.

You're team for sure.

Well now that I have gotten that off my chest I might as well tell you about the time CS and I (about two weeks ago) very nearly got a free helicopter ride from these two guys who were helicopter pilots - I know it sounds suspicious but they had photographic evidence - well two days of flirting and one serious conversation about who was going to put out for the helicopter ride and it turns out they probably pull this shit every week. No heli ride and here is the best part, it took two full days for us non-blonde bimbos to figure this out. At least we got a couple of 4x Golds (Australian for Natural Light) out of it. And no don't worry no one lost their dignity for a fake helicopter ride. We gave up before it got to that. But the point is that the helicopter ride would have been better than Disneyland. I wonder if you can flirt your way into Disneyland, maybe not - hmmmmm- is that sacrilegious...

So now I am exhausted from writing and actually posting a blog. It's kind of like how I felt yesterday when I walked up a hill and was huffing and sweating and I did the knee crouch, hands on knee thing to take a break and I looked back and it was more of a mild incline that didn't even look like a hill at all. That's how I feel now.

I missed you, hope you missed me too but more importantly I'll be whipping myself into shape so I don't have to turn down perfectly good apartments just because they are at the top of a mild incline. Wish me luck cause it's going to hurt.

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