I mean I really really love it. Whole foods makes my heart beat faster and Trader Joes makes me smile. The Golden Nugget in Davis, well it makes me want to relocate there so it can be my neighborhood store. I mean this is not normal. I suffered terribly in 2008, living without a car on the Embarcadero when it was a regular thing for me to enter the gorgeous Safeway on King St. only to exit with way too much stuff to carry on the mile walk home. Tragedies of a first world girl I had to start taking only a hand basket in with me to ensure I wouldn't end up cabbing it 3.5 blocks. Sometimes I tricked my Dad into giving me a lift home after work but incidentally he never wanted to allow me the 2 hours I would, if I could have, chosen to spend going up and down each aisle. Squinting at the per measure costs, comparing prices and picking the perfectly ripe avocado. Enjoying the beautiful produce displays, talking up a storm with the butcher and after every aisles been visited doing a quick second round through just to fill in any late in the game grocery decisions. I told you...I seriously love it. Which is why I drove to the Safeway in Truckee when I was already in Tahoe City just to do the grocery shopping for this weekends 4th of July hostessing extravaganza I am doing. It's a shiny new Safeway and I've been looking forward to it all week long. Please don't judge. Thanks.
Anyway I'm off as my heart goes pitter patter - this maybe now for several reasons A. the impending grocery shopping trip B. The gorgeous firefighter that just walked into the internet cafe...in uniform C. The large coffee I drank - either way it's safe to say I am way overstimulated right now-
And one more reason we are best friends. I dream about the days that Nugget was my neighborhood grocery store!! I miss it so much!!