This should be every indication that I have too much time on my hands. But then again you already knew that and maybe judged me for it. It’s been a great week in which I celebrated my 26th Birthday on every possible occasion. Homemade sushi, sparkle cupcakes (no really) and also I floated down the river with 17 strangers and several good friends. All of whom were great sports in that they told me it was all in celebration of me and sang me Happy Birthday. Who could be so lucky. Floating the river, as it always is, was messy. Lost sunglasses, wet food and more than a few flipped inner tubes. Just the way it should be. Today I detoxed from it all with laundry and also I cooked, because that’s what you do when you watch the foodnetwork 4 to 5 hours per day. I started to make chili blanco, but half way in realized I didn’t have green chili’s, so abandoned it temporarily and started to make homemade caramel sauce for my Granny Smith’s and then realized I didn’t have brown sugar. So basically total success in that I completely failed. Abandoned all effort at productivity and settled in for my first experience of Jersey Shore. The marathon. And for that I have only three words. Tan. Gym. Laundry. Jersey was just put on my long list of places to visit. Mainly I want to experience a place where fist punching and over groomed men is the typical not the acception. I also feel dumber for watching it. Go Snooki go.
The chili blanco has been made as has the carmel sauce but its too late for me to eat it now. Also I took my Birthday present, my grandfather’s tripod, out to the park by our house and shot the moon. It was difficult getting the focus right, my composition might be muddled because I was like twisted in a knot trying to see into the viewfinder and by the time I finished I was dirty and out of breath but that’s just the altitude people. It was magical and worth every second of frustration. Also I think I need a filter to get the moon right. See Click for the results.
Chili Blanco is delicious, healthy and will feed 5/6 people as a main which means single me will be eating it all week. Or as long as I can make it last anyway! Thanks Murchisons for the recipe!
Chili Blanco RecipePoach the chicken in a large pot while you chop then sautee the onion and garlic in olive oil in a separate pot. Add the beans, green chili, chicken broth and spices to the sautéed mixture and bring it to simmer for 30 minutes. While that simmers shred or chop the chicken and finally add it to the simmering mixture. The chili is thick with chicken so I suppose you could use less if you wanted. Garnish with cilantro, sour cream and cheese or add it in while it’s still cooking.
In other news I am volunteering at Wanderlust this coming weekend in Squaw Valley. So stay tuned for stories of yogic breakthroughs, and lulu lust. I’ll be wearing my “Spiritual Gangster” tank. I plan on it being a big hit.
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