Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Festival Opera Pop's Up in the Ferry Building
Saturday, November 6, 2010
In all seriousness...It a little bit bothers me that my brother gets hit on by men more than me.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Hot Mess in the Haight
Monday, September 13, 2010
In which I find the silver lining of commuting... a permanently raspy voice from solo car sing-a-longs. I think that's a good thing, no?
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
"Sweet Chandlier, Prepare to Be Impressed" and other stories of SF apartment hunting....
So anyway after Labor Day it’s back to SF life. I am going to miss this, that and the other being time to devote to yoga, the food network and excessive vacuuming but with a new job lined up, new people to meet, old relationships to rekindle (sadly not the romantic kind) I am looking forward to it. I mean it. No really not even a hint of sarcasm about being excited to back and work 9-5 with an awesome commute to Sunnyvale, leaving behind smiling Tahoe City faces and bike riding along the Truckee River. Ok I can’t talk about it anymore.
In other news Petuniaface girl’s most recent post suggests we use day laborers who don’t get jobs as massage therapists. I just wish I had thought of it first. It’s win win, no?
But anyway. It’s on to new and different. Old and the same. If I sound like I can’t make up my mind right now it’s because finding an apartment in San Francisco is like finding a needle in a stack of horse manure you have to sift through a lot of shit to find the right one. For example, I am no longer looking at lisitings with the word “elegant” in the description. Also yesterday there was one listed as “apartment great for person 5’-4” and under” I mean if that doesn’t make you weep from laughter than it should make you weep out of pity for me. So I’m done whinging. Off to enjoy my remaining week in Tahoe.
See you in San Francisco where the wind blows, the sun doesn’t really shine but the food is really delicious. Wish me luck, I’ve been in perpetual summer for one year exactly so shock to the system is not an understatement at all.
I'm out. Peace, love and maybe some paddleboarding. What do you think?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Lalime's 25th Anniversary: After two of Stacy's cocktails I felt pretty emotional about the whole thing.
A couple weeks ago I went to Lalime’s 25th anniversary dinner which mirrored my own birthday within a week. It put into perspective what absolute nuts my Aunt and Uncle were at the time (still are) for opening a resturant with two kids under 5 years old in 1985. Nuts. The food was great the cocktails scrumptious, but then again it always is and they always are. A video of my Uncle flipping crepes in the original kitchen they now fondly call “Little Lalimes,” since the restaurant has moved to a knew location, was a highlight for me. Not just for the amazing haircuts and svelt figures all the adults have but also it was a glimpse into a world where flipping crepes while your entire family is occupying your entire tiny restaurant is about all you could want for in the world. At least that’s how it appears to me now. I was one at the time so my memory doesn’t serve me at all except in the case of later playing hide and seek in the kitchen and painstakingly folding the monthly mailers that always have a special something written to the readers. Even if only “Rack of lamb, spring onion jam, with rapini pesto and spiced yogurt” Pure poetry.
I am so lucky to have been eating this food for the last 25 years. But in our case “The Krikorian Case” it’s not just about the food, it’s about the company that comes to eat the food and also the process that goes into it, love. Labors and labors of love. Of course I haven’t been there for it all but my first experiences in San Francsico’s Rincon center spent as a child hanging out at the original “Jimmy Beans” I still can’t go there today with thinking about it and running through the ceiling waterfall after hours. And when Uncle H was putting together the concept behind T-Rex I remember the mock-up menu with Leslie’s spare ribs. Each item a reflection of our family. Little bits and pieces here and there. If they were going to name anything after me I would respectfully request T-Rex’s beef jerky be under my name sake (see it’s thin, delicious and packs a punch!) or maybe Jimmy Beans Tortilla Eggs (spicy and filled with protein? Maybe this metaphor thing is going a little too far) The reviewers haven’t always raved, the business hasn’t always boomed but I am so lucky that I have grown up around the simple (not simple at all) business of serving people the most basic and delicious form of nourishment the body needs. A short stack of Silver dollar pancakes served after dark. Come to think of it light, fluffy and sweet, I'll take that namesake too, maybe not too fluffy though...
Happy 25th Little Lalimes. May we all someday be able to flip crepes without looking, two at a time with the flick of the wrist.
*Stacy's cocktail pictured above. A delicious "Frenchman" I think is what it's called.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Wanderlusting: Peace, Love and Lulu
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Chili Blanco and on my new Tripod Status...Booyeah I'm a Nerd
This should be every indication that I have too much time on my hands. But then again you already knew that and maybe judged me for it. It’s been a great week in which I celebrated my 26th Birthday on every possible occasion. Homemade sushi, sparkle cupcakes (no really) and also I floated down the river with 17 strangers and several good friends. All of whom were great sports in that they told me it was all in celebration of me and sang me Happy Birthday. Who could be so lucky. Floating the river, as it always is, was messy. Lost sunglasses, wet food and more than a few flipped inner tubes. Just the way it should be. Today I detoxed from it all with laundry and also I cooked, because that’s what you do when you watch the foodnetwork 4 to 5 hours per day. I started to make chili blanco, but half way in realized I didn’t have green chili’s, so abandoned it temporarily and started to make homemade caramel sauce for my Granny Smith’s and then realized I didn’t have brown sugar. So basically total success in that I completely failed. Abandoned all effort at productivity and settled in for my first experience of Jersey Shore. The marathon. And for that I have only three words. Tan. Gym. Laundry. Jersey was just put on my long list of places to visit. Mainly I want to experience a place where fist punching and over groomed men is the typical not the acception. I also feel dumber for watching it. Go Snooki go.
The chili blanco has been made as has the carmel sauce but its too late for me to eat it now. Also I took my Birthday present, my grandfather’s tripod, out to the park by our house and shot the moon. It was difficult getting the focus right, my composition might be muddled because I was like twisted in a knot trying to see into the viewfinder and by the time I finished I was dirty and out of breath but that’s just the altitude people. It was magical and worth every second of frustration. Also I think I need a filter to get the moon right. See Click for the results.
Chili Blanco is delicious, healthy and will feed 5/6 people as a main which means single me will be eating it all week. Or as long as I can make it last anyway! Thanks Murchisons for the recipe!
Chili Blanco RecipePoach the chicken in a large pot while you chop then sautee the onion and garlic in olive oil in a separate pot. Add the beans, green chili, chicken broth and spices to the sautéed mixture and bring it to simmer for 30 minutes. While that simmers shred or chop the chicken and finally add it to the simmering mixture. The chili is thick with chicken so I suppose you could use less if you wanted. Garnish with cilantro, sour cream and cheese or add it in while it’s still cooking.
In other news I am volunteering at Wanderlust this coming weekend in Squaw Valley. So stay tuned for stories of yogic breakthroughs, and lulu lust. I’ll be wearing my “Spiritual Gangster” tank. I plan on it being a big hit.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
13.1 Miles, Live it, Love it then take a cold bath in ice and get back on the horse!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Roadtrip: Adventures from the road, Journey to Mexico and Back
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Okay so I really love grocery shopping. Does this make me a freak?
Monday, June 21, 2010
Signature Hot Mess…The Sunglass Tan and Other Adventures from this weekend
It’s going to take a little bronzer to even out my raccoon face and sunburnt nose but I’ve definitely had it worse. It’s been a busy week up here in Tahoe. When in doubt my line is “it’s the altitude people.” For example, I use this when breathing heavily after walking not that far on flat ground, during a hike, in defense of my after yoga nap, and more than a few times during what was one epic Saturday where LK and I rented bikes and made the roundtrip from Squaw Valley into Tahoe city for Bloody Mary’s and a lakeside lunch in the sun which turned into a mini pub crawl. We stopped at Fat Cat’s and Front Street Pizza on the Truckee river. Here’s a story maybe not funny I don’t know. Later that night while out on the Tahoe City Town! Playing a wild game of shuffle board a girl comes up to me and LK and is all “hey it’s Mojito and Dog Chase!” let me explain she was the bartender at one of our stops on the way home and those were the drinks she served us. I love being remembered as “Dog Chase.” Could I not have just ordered a Bloody Mary or like a Dirty Martini because I think I would rather be called either of those. Or Sex on the Beach or Shandy (Drink of the summer!!) So you get the point. Anyway LK and I pulled the Mana Loa hustle except instead of hoop shooting at Mana Loa we managed to win tequila shots at the shuffle board table in Pete N Peter’s. Truly a one off accident and made really good friends with a cab driver who took us into Tahoe City and home again at 4:30 in the morning. The short story we stopped by the Chevron to pick up snacks and we cruised around Tahoe City looking for the next scene. Special night whoa.
Also, if you haven’t yet, check out my new blog “Mya Clicks.” As soon as I get through my Australian back log I’ll get some photos of Tahoe up. A shout out to Mike, graphic designer and photographer extraordinaire, who helped me with the web design. I shouldn’t really do this because it makes me look all amateur and shit but take a look at his site, it’s worth a gander. Also the snowboarding shots are actually him snowboarding and taking the photo at the same time. A little bit of amazing right there!
Peace people (that’s Tahoe talking) see you soon for the first in a series of “homework assignments” in which I make use of my unemployed time up here.
*Sign above is posted in Squaw Village. Is it just me?
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Syd's is the new Nook: In which I eat an Everything Bagel w/ cream cheese 3 days in a a second breakfast
Friday, June 11, 2010
This should take you back but if it doesn't please just reflect on the days when bell bottoms were in. Either decade is fine. Just do it.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I am going to Be punished for Posting these photos
So I spent this weekend down in San Francisco and Sunday, a beautiful sunny Sunday was spent brunching and then after barely resisting the French Toast at Sidewalk Cafe was spent figuring out this bridesmaid dress. It's a convertible dress, one size fits all (which is frightening). See above us reading the endless possibilities that this dress claims to have...until you realize this comes with contingents including but not limited to particularly not moving. It takes two people to assemble but better to have three, safety pins and a lot of patience. We all took turns in it and I have to confess the material is nice against the skin, and if you like to spin on the dance floor this will do it. But I think it's safe to say the gripes outweigh these positives. Lucky the unnamed bridesmaid can pull anything off and has killer shoes (see above) to take the emphasis off potential dress malfunctions. The last two photos of the dress are what she's going to wear. We still have to write directions on how we did this (if we can remember).
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Universal Rule #1000 and A little bit of Lovely San Francisco
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I'm a lookin both ways before I cross
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Most Delicious War Ever.
- 2 16 oz Cans garbanzo beans (same as chickpeas) drained
- 3 to 4 Tablespoons Tahini - which is sesame paste, you can find it at a middle eastern market and actually I have seen it in the grocery stores lately! A small jar will last you a long time. The costco size tub is a lifetime investment -
- 1 Lemon - minimum of half but if you're me or my brother probably the whole thing
- Water for consistency
- 2 1/2 Cloves garlic - or for my Dad's version 4, 5 or 6 Cloves -
- 1 tsp Salt to taste
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Irish Soda Bread, Coffee Shakes and My Left Shoulder is Sore from Hole Punching
Monday, May 10, 2010
Dear Tatted Coffee Barista,
I don't know how to tell you you put too much milk in your latte and you're cappuccino foam is lackluster. You don't make leafs or hearts and sometimes you're grumpy and I can tell by the way you say "what will it be today?" brusquely to me. Also you have bleached tips in your hair...why? But it's OK because you remember me when I come in and dare I say you will miss me when I am gone? I dare...I dare. I'll miss you too but I have to tell you, it's been 8 months and 7 days since I have had a brewed coffee and I can't freaking wait. OK I know I said I am going to miss the "prettiness" of coffee here, and of course the cafe culture but I am not as shallow as I seem.
So my barista who knows nothing about the art of coffee. I'll miss you, and I am not quite sure how to tell you I'm leaving you. I'm not losing sleep over it yet but it feels insensitive to leave you in the lurch. After all who else is going to hang out with you for the 2.5 minutes it takes you to make my warm milk with a splash of espresso and take my $3AUD at 1 in afternoon?
One O'clock w/ the Uneven Hair
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
This is neither here nor there but turns out I have been single for 5 years and 5 months and apparently it shows so brace yourself for some religion
On Monday night while minding my own business walking through Hyde Park after a glorious walk/run - which was primarily a walk with brief spurts of stair climbing...very brief - This old woman asked me to walk her through the park because she didn't feel "safe" as a thinly veiled attempt to have 5 minutes to discuss how much she loves Jesus with me. I told her to suck it and risk the well lit, clean and patroled park, cause she ain't seen anything till she's been to San Francsico.
Just kidding, actually I walked her through and she told me how good her evening mass was and how if I prayed to god he would send me a man. Apparently he listens to heathens like me too. All this unsolicited, I didn't even tell her I was single. She just new damnit. Then, as if reading my skeptical mind she said, okay this is exactly what you say.
"Dear saint Joseph and good Saint Anne send me a man as quick as you can"
I tell you, ask you, beseech you not to dwell on why this prayer/poem - which is incidentally quite catchy - actually crossed her lips in relation to me as a honest suggestion of how to get myself a man but what I want to know is will it work? I'll let you know, feel free to try it yourself and report back. How long shall we give it? He really only has one week to deliver anyway if I am to be convinced to stay in Sydney. Which is how I think this all came about?
So in other news I made a carrot cake last night, cousin S doesn't have a cupcake pan which is not that surprising to say the least. As a soon to be mother she will most definitly need one won't she? I would get one for her, and a pair of baby uggs as a parting gift for hospitality but I'm pretty sure she'd never speak to me again. But baby uggs are so cute. Almost makes having a child worthwhile...almost. The carrot cake would have been fine in cupcake form but was medium rare in the middle which is distressing to find out after you have served 8 pieces to your coworkers. The frosting was a big hit though. Might as well have not grated up all 6 of those carrots and just brought in a bowl with frosting and 8 spoons. We went for drinks to celebrate or mourn a coworkers departure which was all fine and good until I got back to the hostel and found myself watching the sunrise in time only to grab a quick shower and hop on a bus which definitly took longer than walking but I think it hurt a lot less than the alternative. My only consolation is I am not the only one who looked a wreck when I rolled in an hour late to work this morning. Woof.
And in one hours time I should say it will be the perfect time to try a little hair of the dog action. Lunchtime that is. I hate that expression "hair of the dog" but what else is there?
Friday, April 30, 2010
I'm Not Quite Over It Yet
The throws of nostalgia are coming on. Couldn't you tell though? Well anyway I'll spare you except for several photos, a few of my favorite places. In other news I think I am cracking. Just the other evening while running the stairs at The Domain (outside the botanical gardens with a view across the harbor of the above) I saw a cute boy, if not cute he at least resembled an ex-boyfriend so closely it would have been sacrilegious not to think he was at least noteworthy. So as I was stretching I noticed the water has risen in the harbor these last couple weeks. Which now I have figured must be related to the full moon (I am clever, no?) but I thought I would say just to start the convo "the water level is really high, a really big cruise ship must have just come into Port." and then I would slap my knee and he would laugh and conversation would ensue. Well ok don't worry I didn't do that but it's just goes to show you, I'm losing it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Cheesecake, Cheesegrater and a few well places strawberries
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Two Up and 8 Months of Whatness?
As my time in Australia winds down - with 3 weeks left - I am taking stock of my last 8 months here. 8 months is an a long time, but not that long. For Gus, my Melbournian friend, it was long enough to quit his job, travel throughout North and South America move to Sydney and get a new job (as he pointed out to me I was still here when he got back from doing all of that) for my cousin Seta it was enough to go from flat abs to medium baby bump - i'll miss the due date by 1 month - For some it isn't enough time to find a job, and we know it hasn't been enough time for the US economy to bounce back from the abismal state that it is in. While better - not fixed. But who wants to talk about the crappy economy anyway. Not me but then again it was fairly easy to ignore being here, in Australia, they have faired remarkebly well. Construction, I can tell you, is booming. Subcontractors are turning down work which says miles for how busy they are. This is a fact that is difficult to ignore as the impending return to the United States job prospects are bleaker. How much so is still to be determined. Anyway I didn't start writing this to talk about that. The Cairns airport was under construction when I got here and almost finished when I was there two weeks ago. I'm just trying to figure out what my 8 months out here has meant to me beyond a bleap on the screen of my life. What have I done? I can tell you I have scuba dived and drove tractors on a banana farm, learned to drive a manual car - something I have long wanted to do, I have visions of myself as Angelina in Gone in Sixty - I have ridden the greyhound far more than I ever care to again and reconciled the privacy and sleeping issues that come with living in a hostel. Met 90 percent Europeans, 10 percent Australians, discovered that Canadians really have a problem being mistaken for American and gotten to know some amazing family. I have worked in construction, different words, same bullshit. And above all else I have learned to be alone with myself. To be clear this doesn't mean I have found myself. I don't think I was looking. What I was looking for was a point in the right direction. An offer I couldn't turn down, a person/man (there I finally said it out loud), a dream job, a new hobby to pursue above anything else. Any or all would have done but no such luck. Instead I am left to wonder if that's too much to hope for. It happens in movies, it happens to people I have met but I suppose they aren't sitting around waiting for it to happen. So I've done a lot. Learned a lot. Slept a lot. Drank a lot. There's no denying Australians are drinkers. Tomorrow I will enjoy my second Australian national holiday, the first being Australia day, this being Anzac day. A memorial for those who fought and died in the battle of Galipoli. They take it seriously here. Which in Australian means there are Anzac cookies to be eaten, a large memorial gathering early in the morning that gives way to a day in the pubs where Two Up (basically a game of heads or tales) is played and bet on because it is the one day of the year when it is legal to play this otherwise forbidden game. Random. Then they have Monday off to recover.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Footloose and Fancy Free
Today I am her. A Richard Avedon girl in Paris. I walked home swinging my bag eating a fuji apple, harder to find in Australia than another American, I was crunching away while I walked past Chanel and glanced longingly in. At what I don’t know but just the shear cleanness of it all. So put together, so black and white. And I wondered about the suit guys who open the door for you or just stand against the wall with their hands behind their backs. Black suit and faces of nothingness and yet purposeful, like they are waiting for something. But what are they waiting for? Is an attack on Chanel imminent? Do they help you to your limo when you purchased so much black and white you can’t carry it all out in one load. Are their suits Chanel? Do they like Chanel? Did they used to work at Prada? Do their wives wear couture. Do they have wives? I just wonder is all where do they live and how did they get to be the Chanel Suit guy. La De Da. I extracted a head nod and miniscule smile from the one at the door. It was probably a pity smile, him all the while thinking “Poor peasant girl eating her apple, someone should really tell her that her hair is uneven.”
In other news... today, while on hold for the inspector who is reviewing our project certification, they had “I like big butts and I cannot lie” playing. I didn’t know whether to be pissed when he finally picked up because the song ended or offended. Certainly not the later but one could imagine offense being taken. I’ll tell you one thing though, being on hold would be way better if it was required by law to play old school rap that was the most requested song at your 7th grade dance. No one would complain when they were trying to change their return flight back to San Fran to fly through Hawaii for a brief beach stopover but were being shunned by the airlines and kept on hold for hours at a time for not being part of the millions of people who can’t get home to their families because some volcano erupted. I’m just saying is all…
I’m going for a run now. My coworker told me you are supposed to eat three hours before going to bed which means I have an hour to run, prepare dinner and shove it down my throat. Hmmm that’s not going to happen. But if I were a little kid that would be the best excuse ever to stay up late. No?