LK has been hounding me about this post since I told her she was my inspiration for it. Little did she know that it's all about things I like but she hates; my secret love for fanatical trends.
So there is this adorable girl in my yoga class and I can't figure out if she is a hot mess or not. Anyway the last two times she has been in my class she has worn a sparkly silver headband in the fashion of, as LK would say, an effing Indian.
Lindsey hates this new trend but I secretly like it. The thing is, as so many super trendy things do, the hippie headband would look absurd on me. It would slide up my tiny head and my hair would go right along with it and pouf out at the top and then eventually and probably at the most embarrassing moment the headband would spring off my head an into the lap of some gorgeous guy - hot mess moment/ v. awkward- Well anyway I wish I could wear one and to yoga no less. Hippie headbands fall into the same secret love trends as the following.
Shorts one pieces, I realize you have to weigh 110lbs wet and be about 5'-10" or taller to wear them. I have a pair of black silk capri overalls that I love but haven't warn in years because they have been banned by all of my friends; they sort of fall in the same category - except they fall to the mid calf and have OshKosh like pockets in front (Yeah I know that was the first reference to Oshkosh since 1993). Actually LM hasn't seen them yet. I am waiting until she really pisses me off one day and then I will pair them with my crocs (which you should know I only purchased for when I went backpacking and it was totally worth it) I will go out with her in public wearing them and like your mother did in Junior high I will embarass her to shame. And that is how she will know I am mad at her. It's genius.
I also secretly love the designer fannie pack. But then again that too would ride up my hips, create a pouf in my shirt and totally embarass me. Maybe it would pop off at the same time as the hippie headband and then there would have to be an intervention. So don't worry I will leave these trends to those who know how to keep it together.
But as I constantly aspire to embody the type of girl who is able to wear these things - The headband is a physical impossibility as my head is just too small - I'll leave you with this last thought. I made the brilliant choice, as I sit in nook today, not to order the cheese platter designed for two that I typically eat by myself. I ordered the boring old cup of soup instead - I officially hate myself -but anyway what I was getting at is if I kick my cheese habit do you think I can wear a designer fannie pack or a shorts onsie? Hopefully not together but maybe one at a time?
Now I'm very self consious about the head band I wore not only in Vegas, but at B2B as well.
ReplyDeleteDesigner fannie packs?!? This is a secret you should have taken to your grave! I love you a lot, but honestly, I think I might need a few days to recover from this revelation.
ReplyDeleteEmail me next week and hopefully by then I will have recovered from the fallacy that was our realtionship...I thought I knew you!
You looked cute in the headband at Lime! We should try it as a team sometime, I secretly like it too! :)
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sorry to say that I cannot agree with the fanny pack comment, my friend.