About three months ago I met these two English guys. 19 years old with the world at their feet (is that the saying, or at their heels or???) Well anyway they were traveling the world. After a few glasses of goon* they let me in on their pipe dream, the kind you have when you are 19, the kind I am trying to rediscover at 25. They want to own a record store in Camden, London and while I can't remember the details it sounded like a great idea in the way that an offbeat idea with a lot of passion behind it can sound great. Since being in Australia I have had many pipe dreams of sorts, sometimes fleeting but still they are there or did they just come back? Governess on a cattle farm in the outback was new, fleeting and already long gone but have you read Pioneer Woman's blog? Hello it could have happened to me too! I want to learn to sail, get my advanced and maybe rescue diver certification, own a clothing boutique and maybe a cafe too oh and marry a wealthy English property developer who I meet in Australia who has property in Sydney, London and San Francisco, did I just say that outloud? Well pipe dreams are allowed to be off the wall as long as there is passion and conviction behind them.
So many of the traveler's I have met over the last 4 months and 1o days have this sense of whatever it takes I can do anything "ness" which for me, who worked towards my former job in construction since I was a Sophomore in highschool, almost 8 years, almost a decade... holy shit... it is a refreshing reminder that there are other paths that lead to "growing up" I'm just not sure what my path is yet, Whether a pipe dream can actually be pursued and what happened to the conviction I had when I was 19 years old?
Are you having a cathartic moment now? Rehashing your old pipe dreams, rethinking life choices etc? Well that is good. Now stop and consider the stupidity of this. Click Here.
My two English friends will be doing this in May. Awesome? Stupid? Still to be determined.
Well anyway I will leave it at that. And also I have no doubt they will, if they want to, open a record store. These are the guys who decided over a beer that they would ride their bikes - not motorcycles - down the coast of California. They ended up hitchhiking after 4 days, but anyway they got there didn't they?
*Goon is Australian for boxed wine. It is also instigator of deep and sometimes incoherent conversations, fleeting love, and containing "traces of milk, fish egg and nut products" is considered by some a full meal. It costs $10 for a 4 litre box, also included in the price is a two day hangover. Also in France they call it Chateau Cardboard.
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