But then so is this.
I have a girl crush on Petunia Face (click on my blog title for her blog) Everyday I read her blog and think oh my god we should be friends and also how can I be more like her. She's hilarious, pretty, we live/ lived in the same area and she is an excellent writer which I really admire. We really would be perfect for each other.
I wonder if she listens to Taylor Swift furtively with her headphones on scared someone might ask her what she is bobbing her head to only to have to reply "You belong with me" while she dreamily looks off into the distance thinking about her dive instructor. Actually the memory of him is fading I mean really I can't sit around and wait for him to realize we were meant for each other forever I think I am going to move on. And now you are all collectively sighing and saying behind my back - Thank God it's about fucking time - to which I would reply - A girls allowed to dream and torture anyone willing to read my blog -
Thank you for that by the way. I love it when you tell me you read this nonsense. Because sometimes I feel like maybe I am sending my ridiculous and random thoughts out into a big black hole as deep and overloaded with crap as my purse is.
The weather at the farm has been fantastic, really about 74 and breezy. LK is coming out here in two weeks and I just know all the rain they have been waiting for since October will come the 4 days she is here. (I only say this in a reversed psychological way so that maybe it actually won't) Brittany Spears new music video is on TV right now and since I have Taylor Swift on Brit is muted and let me tell you the video looks suspiciously like porn. Shocking. Have you heard of Robbie Williams, British award winning musician. Used to be heavily into drugs but has since found god I guess. Anyway there are few things that I find creepier than clowns and Chucky, this video is one of them.
No Taylor Swift here but I have a crush on anyone who has a crush on me, so *bat, bat, bat*--that was my eyelashes. I am totally practicing my signature with my first name + your last name right here on the cover of my Trapper Keeper:
ReplyDeletePetunia Hot Mess, true love always
That video can't be real; right?!? Too ridiculous... I don't think he was off the drugs when he came up with this video.
ReplyDeleteI'll be there in one week!!!!!
Holy Crap! Does Petunia Face writing on your blog make you famous? It sure does in my mind.
ReplyDeleteAnd I totally read, and love, your nonsense. Miss you and can't wait for you to come back!