I just saw St. Elmo’s Fire for the first time, and while Molly Ringwald isn’t in it most of the Brat Pack are. Demi Moore is her replacement I guess. And who wouldn’t choose Demi over Molly? Molly could never play an in-debt investment banker who is addicted to cocaine and sleeping with her boss. Molly could however blend into any wall of Demi’s completely pink apartment – Oh the 80’s…sigh – speaking of has anyone been to Urban Outfitters lately? It seems they are coming back – the eighties that is - more so than ever. Urban is infected with neon and floral printed ruffle dresses, one of which looks just like a dress I wore at the age of 7 with a side pony tail and jelly sandals. God I was skinny back then.
But what I was really getting at is have you seen For Keeps? I haven’t yet but I intend to. Molly plays a highschool girl who gets pregnant with her highschool BF. Don’t worry though it is not Anthony Michael Hall – wouldn’t that be disturbing –
By the way I am back at Nook today after a long absence during which time they didn’t miss me at all, and it feels so good. Except that I am here because Stevo our building manager is showing our apartment for (2) hours during the middle of the day and I think people are going to be interested since it is listed at $400 less than what we are currently paying….so that’s nice.