So I have been gone a while and with my current commute these ramblings to you will come less often. Over an hour each way to my jobsite is painful and yet I am happy to be starting work again. Only more so since the people I am working with are great, and two times last week I was on the phone with vendor's who remembered me from previous projects. A friendly voice on the other end of the line, complete stranger that they are. A name at the bottom of a quote, email or even someone whose a passing reference and then you meet them in person, put the name with the face or hear the recognition in their voice of you after more than a year. It makes the world feel a little bit smaller. Even when you are commuting farther than you ever thought you would. Playing "Thriller" more than anyone ever should within one hour. But here's the thing. If I could I would write to you in those spare minutes in the car. I wonder if there is a dictaphone App?
Anyway, fall is here. At least in San Francisco the air is crisp. A nice way of saying cold I suppose but I'm going for it because crisp is so much nicer than chilly. Happy Fall. Happy new beginnings. Does this seem a little more upbeat than normal? Maybe Elizabeth rubbed off on me more than I care to admit.